Honey, we’re home!


Julia Balfour, LLC has a brand new home!

The JB Team, June 1, 2021

We’ve always worked in beautiful spaces. Whether it was our nature-filled cottage in the scenic hamlet of Lyme or the white gothic Victorian we moved into when we started calling East Haddam home, our work environments have always been gorgeous. You see, we’re all creative creatures and for many of us a beautiful space helps us to create inspiring work. We love coming into these spaces every day, just as much as we cherish welcoming visitors into them. (If you’ve ever been to a Julia Balfour, LLC party, you definitely understand.)

Recently, we made the official move into our Clubhouse, right across the street from that stunning gothic Victorian. When the pandemic hit in 2020 and we all transitioned to working virtually we made the decision to sell the office we had called home for four years. We’re not going to use any of those cliché terms like “in these unprecedented times” or “pivoting”, but we found that after nine years of working practically on top of each other, we could collaborate no matter where we were. But we still knew how important it was to have a JB environment to use for whatever we needed it for — that’s where the Clubhouse comes in.

Originally renovated into a retail space right in the heart of downtown East Haddam, we had the perfect collaborating / meeting / production spot right at our fingertips. It seemed like it was meant to be. Julia designed every element of the space in her style, including walls painted with her signature teal, custom mixed with 15 (yes, 15!) different paint colors. Some of our favorite pieces from our 3 Norwich office made the move over and they, of course, look like they were picked especially for the Clubhouse.

That was the thing about every space that we created — the colors, the details, the artwork and awards that covered the walls, the mixing of textures, the unusual chandeliers — it all worked together to create magic no matter where it went.

It’s hard to leave 3 Norwich. Some of our biggest milestones as a company happened there. Some of our most significant lessons happened there. Some of our best memories with Julia happened there. Everything we needed to happen, happened there. But Julia always looked at a new opportunity with stars in her eyes, and we are too. After all, we can take those memories and lessons with us.

… Just like that white conference table that we’ve had since the start of the company.

… And the pink velvet couch that we waited six months for, that Julia didn’t let ANYONE even think about napping on, which now sits right under one of her favorite posters.

We also brought over our awards (albeit we can’t fit them all), and yes, don’t you worry, our remote-controlled, heated, water-spraying toilet is here, too!

Most importantly, we brought over the laughter and the love and all of the things that made Julia, Julia and the rest of us her team. Suffice to say, the Clubhouse is prepped and primed for creating another lifetime of memories.

So, like Marie Kondo taught us, we’re thanking you, 3 Norwich, for all your memories and lessons learned, and we’re letting you go.

We’re still working from home, but slowly we’re inviting partners into the Clubhouse for meetings and to see our new space. All the glitter, and all the magic, all in one place. We can’t wait to show you all in person, but for now take a peek at these beautiful photos.

Hello, Julia Balfour Clubhouse!